Hey there, welcome to my site. There's a nav bar to the left, some empty space to the right, and a whole lot of stuff inbetween. If you see anything you like, let me know. If you see anything you don't like you can still let me know. Expect to see digital art, writing, and a whole lot of swearing.

Lost Refuge \ home
I'm actually happy with the layout this time. Pinky promise. I had to get something colorful enough while also using ONLY colors I curated, AND adhering to my intense love of dark mode. It should be mostly mobile compatible... at least moreso than the last attempt. I still need to add content in some places and there might be a handful of broken links but we are on our fucking way.
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My favorite author gave me permission to complete a project based off of her work :) I'm ver excited.
Idiom of the Day